Laura Ann Wallace
You are visitor # since 17
January 1999.

Please pardon the mess while I experiment with re-designing this
Very Old News Flash! INS agrees not
to arrest Space Aliens!!
Review a murder
investigation and try to help investigators figure out whodunnit!
Please review my resume.

My greatest
hobby is genealogy. Eventually I intend to place links here for you to browse my family
tree or retrieve a copy of my latest GEDCOM. Others have been more successful at getting
around to web-publishing their data; take a peek at the Online
Genealogical Database Index, which lists all web-based genealogical data out there.
There are a few comprehensive genealogical index sites on the
web. The best, in my opinion, are Matthew Helm's Genealogy
Toolbox and Steven A. Wood's Genealogy Page.
You can find every genealogy-related site on the Net indexed on these two sites; Mr.
Helm's is even searchable.
Anyone who likes a genealogical mystery should read something I
inherited which I call the Withington Money Letter.
The software I use, which I highly recommend for beginners and
experts alike, is The Master Genealogist. It is written by
Bob Velke, who is both a genealogist and a programmer, so he knows what the serious
researcher needs! TMG now has its own web pages at Wholly
Genes Software. You can download a demo from their pages or from my TMG page (which I am updating).

Low-Carbohydrate Eating
In Decmebr 1996 I discovered the diet for the rest of us-- for
the people who gain weight and can't reduce their blood fat levels enough on the
low-fat/high-carb diet. The low-fat diet is a hoax, at least for about half the
population. Sugar is the real evil, followed by bread, pasta, and cereal. With
controlled-carb eating, I have eliminated my hypoglycemic symptoms (and with it nearly
eliminated the risk of inheriting Type II diabetes), lowered my blood fat levels (and
likewise nearly eliminated the risk of inheriting heart disease), and lost weight-- a nice
I personally follow the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet, by
Drs. Rachael and Richard Heller, available in paperback from Signet. This plan, unlike
Atkins and some other approaches, allows you to have all the carbs you want as long as you
limit them to one meal per day. So you never feel deprived, and there are no forbidden
You can find information about their plan and other low-carb
plans at the following sites:
Low-carb eaters might find of interest a page I created recently
(see below) on food and drink in Regency England, as it
includes several recipes for baked eggs.
There are several mailing lists out there dedicated to low-carb
eating plans. Some exist to support each other on low carb diets (including recipe
exchanges), both generally and for specific approaches to low-carb eating (such as Atkins
and CAD), and some are for the discussion of the scientific principles of low-carb eating.
Subscription info for these lists is available on the pages listed above.

Regency Research
Okay, I'm finally putting this on my pages. Ever since becoming
addicted to Georgette Heyer novels in
high school, I've been trying to learn more about Regency England. (The
ultimate goal here is to write Regency-era novels.) I loved Jane Austen well before the
current spate of movies and Jane Austen mania.
Other addicts have found their way online too. The best Regency resources online are
Kristen Skold's A
Regency Repository and Cathy Decker's Regency
Page, highlighted by her Guide to
Regency Fashion pages.
There is a Georgette Heyer
mailing list and a Jane
Austen mailing list. Both are wonderful! The latter is more literature-oriented, while
the former (a relative newcomer) is evolving into a research resource, while maintaining
great discussions about the books themselves. There are mailing lists about other period
authors, too.
Currently on the Georgette Heyer Mailing List we are reading April Lady.
My quest for knowledge about the Regency era has led to an
obsession nearly as acute as my genealogical obsession. In the last year or so I have begun prowling the
used bookshops in Chicago, indulging in a lifelong fantasy to have an enviable collection
of books. Well, aside from a few Easton Press editions, my book collection is not enviable
to anyone but another Regency England fanatic. The emphasis of my book buying sprees is
roughly 1714-1837, or from George I's accession up until Victoria's, with of course the
most concentration during the Regency 1811-1820. And yes, I have read most
of them! I just don't have anyplace to put them... they are stacked around my apartment.
Be careful where you walk.
If you're looking for Austens, or Heyers, or old Regencies, check
out my Books For Sale page.
Another result of my participation in the Georgette Heyer Mailing
List is a collection of pages for the GH Mailing List
Companion. I've created a page about food and drink
during the Regency, which includes some recipes (and which is next on the list to
update). I have also created a page of notes about
Heyer's life and the texts of the novels. The Companion was originally conceived as
an expanded FAQ about the Regency, with links to online resources about the period, but
over the last few months as the List has grown and it has become apparent that there are
frequent textual questions about the novels themselves.
Another set of pages I have contributed to The Companion is a
long-promised Titles Site which attempts to explain the
confusing workings of the British peerage. (It was cited favorably in a newsletter a
couple of months ago by Novelists, Inc.!) Version 2.5 divides it from one unwieldly
page into chapter-pages. Some questions from readers have show me that I need to add
some basic introductory material, so that will be next. Then hopefully I will be
adding frames. (If you know how to create pop-up windows for footnotes, please help me!)

Classical Music
I have a degree in music history from Loyola University, New Orleans. I'm saving up to buy a
piano, but in the meantime my musical outlet is in singing. I am a member of the choir at
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Church (11 a.m. Mass, 700 West Belmont), under the
direction of William
Ferris, who is also founder and conductor of the renowned William Ferris Chorale.
I am also a member of the Apollo
Chorus of Chicago, which celebrated its 125th anniversary in 1996, now under the
direction of Stephen Alltop. Apollo performs Handel's Messiah at Orchestra Hall
during the Christmas Season, and presents a Cathedral Concert (at St. Peter's Church in
the Loop) in early March and then a major work in the late spring. Two years ago we sang
Mendelssohn's Elijah, with Sherrill Milnes in the title role; last spring, in
celebration of our 125th anniversary, we presented Apollo's Top Ten, favorite selections
from the ten most-performed works in our history. This spring the program features Verdi's
Requiem. With the new acoustics in the redesigned Orchestra Hall, it should be

Hoc anno ego pro certo abuti modo subiunctivo

(If you understood that, send me mail!)
- Reading material.
- In my spare time <ahem>, I try to keep up with the paper
versions of The Weekly Standard, The New Republic and The Economist. The latter also publishes d.Comm, an electronic magazine. For quickie news
updates, try Pathfinder's News Now.
(For my fiction diet, check out my books page.)
- Of course, no one's daily allowance of soundbite news is complete
without the comics. My current favorite is Dilbert, but of course Calvin and Hobbes will
always hold a special place in my heart. Robotman is another old favorite;
and now that I'm a WebSurfer, my week is not complete without Dr. Fun.
- Geeking.
- Although I'm not a programmer, I consider myself a bona fide
computer geek. Some people don't like the word, but I do! I got hooked on word processors
in the eighth grade (PerfectWriter on a Kaypro II using CP/M with 64K of RAM and two
single-sided 360K floppies!), lugged a "laptop" (a Zenith T-184 286 which
weighed 15 pounds!) to Europe for my semester abroad, and took all of my class notes in
law school on a notebook computer. My less-computer-literate friends think I'm a computer
goddess and come to me to get all of their computer woes solved ("is the printer
turned on?"). Of course, communicating with others online is the best part, and I've
been calling BBSes for years. Here in Chicago, the only one to call is Chinet. It's the original BBS, as in: they invented
it. Now it's a UNIX system, but it still includes a BBS of sorts, with a new web-based
interface to the old UNIX-based conferencing system. You can just browse if you like, or participate without getting a formal
UNIX account, or you can telnet to Chinet and log in as
"newuser" to create an account and use the original text-based YAPP interface.
Tell Randy I sent you. (Maybe he won't delete my account!) BTW, it has come to my
attention that certain body parts of mine are featured on Atheana's page. Also, there are sometimes
pictures of me on the various Chinet home pages.
- More proof I'm a geek: review my television viewing habits. I
don't watch sitcoms, not even Seinfeld or Ally McBeal or Friends or Chicago Hope. I hate
the Simpsons. No, I faithfully watch re-runs of Star Trek: The Next
Generation, and of course Deep
Space Nine and Voyager. But
one of the best web sites I've seen for science fiction TV junkies is the Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5. That guy has way
too much time on his hands, but I'm grateful. If you miss an episode, you can be lost, and
his summaries and analyses help fill in the gaps. If you've watched that show a few times
and been very confused, check out this web site.
- Can you believe Lucas Arts released a 20th Anniversary edition of Star Wars?? I guess I'm no longer a kid.
- Silly Web Stuff.
- There's a lot of silly stuff out there on the Web. You can do all
sorts of things online. Play Mr. Potato
Head! Inspect all the Coke
Machines on the Internet. Play with a robot in a sandbox at the Mercury Project. Check
how much coffee is in the coffeepot in the computer lab at Cambridge, England with Coffeepot Cam! And if you like
cameras on the Web, there are lots more to see via Peek-at-You NetCams.
- Virtual tourism.
- I like to revisit virutally places I've visited physically. I
spent the spring of 1990 in Vienna,
studying for a semester abroad at the Institute for
European Studies (home page now maintained by my friend and former teacher, Guenter
Haika). I like Keith Waclena's Austrian Restaurants
Guide. He also has a great Austrian Beer Guide. And I
found a Deutsch Kochbuch, which is a
great source for German recipes, auf Deutsch! And when I'm in the mood, there's always the
Jean-Paul Sartre Cookbook.
Then for dessert, try Godiva Chocolates Online. Hey,
wait, this was supposed to be about travelling; how'd I get to chocolate...?
- Other places-- I spent five years in New Orleans while getting my
completely useless but otherwise fun and interesting degree in Music History from Loyola University. It's a great city! Sometimes I wish I'd
never left, and then I remember summer there....
- The Ghia.
- Since I've been in Chicago, I've been without my gorgeous 1971
Karmann Ghia. It lives with my parents at home in Texas, mostly because I can't afford to
park it (but also because I still don't know how to drive in snow and ice). One of these
days I'll put a picture of it up at Karmann
Ghia World, and you can get all the gory details about it then.
And then there are some things that are just so cool they need no
paragraph of justification...

L.A.W. 12 June 2004 |